Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Reflection on Perimeter Search Lesson for Week Two

As you know, I demonstrated the Pattern Search lesson in class this past Monday. When I tried it with two of my high school students that stopped by after school it was very successful. I feel that I was able to meet all of the objectives of the lesson. The interesting thing is that the students never seemed to realize that they were doing mathematics. To them, the activity was like a game. One would think that high school students would not want to play with blocks, but the reality is that they enjoy working with manipulatives as much as elementary school students.

For anyone who wants to become a mathematics teacher, this lesson is a good way to reinforce the concept of perimeter. Students generally enjoy a challenge, and they enjoy a challenge that involves manipulatives even more. To students, the activities in this lesson are more like "fun time" than they are work. Thus, it is easy to get students engaged by using this lesson.

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