Saturday, April 10, 2010

Week Nine - Pythagoras Delivers the Mail Geoboard Lesson Plan

Click Here for the Lesson Plan and Supporting Materials

This lesson plan is appropriate for eighth grade. Here is the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standard that this lesson plan meets:

4.2.8 E. Measuring Geometric Objects
1. Develop and apply strategies for finding perimeter and area.

By completing this lesson, students will be able to devise methods for finding areas, formulate and test generalizations, learn about and apply the Pythagorean Theorem, and use mathematical reasoning to solve a real-world problem.

Lastly, this lesson plan helps make the Pythagorean Theorem more "real" for the students. By completing this lesson, students will see that a squared, b squared, and c squared actually represent the areas of squares. Thus, after completing this lesson, students will be able to picture in their minds what the numbers in the Pythagorean Theorem actually mean.

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