Saturday, April 10, 2010

Week Nine - Venn Diagrams Virtual Manipulative

Click Here to Access the Program
Grades: 6 - 8
Category: Number and Operations

This is a very simple virtual manipulative. However, it is very effective for giving students an opportunity to practice depicting the union and intersection of sets on venn diagrams. If a teacher were to give students several problems of this nature, it would be challenging for that teacher to give each student individual feedback. However, this program makes this possible. Students can click on the "check" button to see if their answer is correct. They can also click on the "show solution" button to get the answer to a problem that they cannot solve. These two options make it possible for students to get immediate feedback, which is something that a teacher likely cannot provide without the help of technology.

Another nice feature of this program is that the problems it creates get progressively more difficult. Thus, more advanced students can work quickly and get to the harder questions, and students who are struggling with either the concept of venn diagrams or unions/intersections of sets can take their time and work on the easier problems.

However, there is one thing that could improve this program. This would be the addition of a "hint" button. While I like that students can check their answers and also get solutions to the problems that they cannot solve, I would like there to be an option that helps students without giving them the answer. I suppose this option could be provided by the teacher; however, I think students might jump to click on the "show solution" button too quickly. In essence, the desire for immediate feedback could get in the way of true learning by struggling to solve difficult problems.

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