Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week Ten - Box Plot Virtual Manipulative

Click here to access the program.

According to the program:

"Box plots and histograms are both used to summarize data graphically.

A box plot shows the minimum data value, the lower quartile, the median, the upper quartile, and the maximum data value on a number line. A box is drawn from the lower quartile to the upper quartile. The median is marked inside the box.

A histogram divides the range of values in a data set into intervals. Over each interval is placed a block or rectangle whose area represents the percentage of data values in the interval."

This program can be used to introduce box plots. Students can analyze the data that is provided when the program opens. They can also make changes to some of the data or delete all the data and enter their own. The program then graphs then automatically creates a box plot with the data.

This program can also be used to check one's work. Students can create a box plot by hand and then use this program to see if their work is correct.

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